
A missing tooth affects both your appearance and your dental health. In fact, a single missing tooth can threaten the stability of your remaining teeth! Avoiding the necessary dental care to replace a missing tooth also increases your risk of bone loss. Thankfully, for people missing one or more teeth, a dental procedure exists for restoring smiles. In today’s blog, your Livingston dentists, Dr. David Silverstrom and Dr. Gary Silverstrom, explain how dental implants provide a lifetime of esthetically pleasing dental restoration.



Prevent Bone Loss!

Once you lose a tooth, your body responds quickly by suspending the flow of nutrients to the jawbone surrounding the missing tooth. Starved of crucial doses of calcium and phosphorus, the bone begins to degrade. Loss of bone density soon increases the risk of further tooth loss. Bone loss also affects your facial structure, causing some patients to develop jowls or a sunken appearance. In addition, the healthy teeth adjacent to the missing tooth may begin to drift towards the empty socket. This causes misalignment, which can make chewing and speaking difficult.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are essentially replacement teeth anchored into the socket of a missing tooth. With proper care, implants can last 25 years or possibly more. Dental implants also prevent bone loss. Since dental implants are made of biocompatible materials, the body accepts them as natural teeth, resuming the flow of nutrients to the jaw. This prevents further bone loss, preserving your facial structure and your smile.

Who Qualifies for Dental Implants?

Drs. David and Gary Silverstrom recommend dental implants for patients with one or more missing teeth. While dental bridges cost less, they have to be replaced every 10 to 15 years, while implants can last for decades. For patients interested in implants, Dr. David or Gary Silverstrom will perform a thorough oral examination. If the patient doesn’t have the require bone density to support the implants, they may recommend a bone graft before proceeding.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Livingston Cosmetic Dentists

Interested in improving your smile by replacing missing teeth with our innovative dental implants? Then contact your Livingston cosmetic dentists today. Schedule a consultation with your Dr. David or Gary Silverstrom today to discuss dental implants or any of our cosmetic procedures. Contact The Silverstrom Group in Livingston, New Jersey by calling (973) 797-9345. The Silverstrom Group is located at 580 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey.